AMGC’s Manufacturing Academy releases a ‘Rosie’ view of Australian manufacturing

The Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC) has expanded its Manufacturing Academy to incorporate a new learning module titled ‘Manufacturing with Rosie”. The seven-part module provides an overview of manufacturing opportunities in Australia and details the six National Manufacturing Priorities.

The self-guided ‘Manufacturing with Rosie’ modules covers the topics of the State of Australian Manufacturing, Space, Defence, Clean Energy & Recycling, Critical Minerals and Processing Technology, Food & Beverage and Medical Products. Each module draws on AMGC’s deep understanding of Australian manufacturing and presents the information in an accessible way.

Dr. Jens Goennemann, Managing Director of AMGC said that partnering with Dr Barnes is a great way to share with manufacturers the opportunities that exist within the six National Manufacturing Priorities, and how to take advantage of the investment available through the federal government.

“Partnering with Rosie presented us with the perfect opportunity to capture her enthusiasm and experience in STEM to highlight how manufacturers can play a role in being part of the new manufacturing priorities,” said Dr. Goennemann.

Dr Rosemary Barnes, Rosie, is a qualified Mechanical Engineer, PhD holder and STEM (Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering) advocate who presents on engineering topics concerning clean and renewable energy. Via her own YouTube channel titled ‘Engineering with Rosie’, Dr Barnes’s aim is to better educate people on the opportunities and impact of sound engineering on manufacturing.

“There is nothing more satisfying to me as seeing a good idea turn into a good physical product. I aim to show my audience how engineering works, what kinds of problems exist and how STEM can address these challenges. My hope is that my audience gets better at thinking like an engineer and develops informed opinions about how technologies are likely to develop and assist us,” said Dr Barnes.

“AMGC’s Manufacturing Academy is doing important work in educating Australians about how manufacturing is growing local opportunities. Manufacturing is present anywhere something is being made and the six priority areas we detail in the series have significant potential to fuel Australia’s prosperity in the future.” Said Barnes.

‘Manufacturing with Rosie’ is live via AMGC’s free, accessible, and trusted Manufacturing Academy learning platform. Manufacturing with Rosie distills the Federal Government’s six National Manufacturing Priorities into a single, one-hour series, complementing the hours of case studies and videos already available on the platform.

To register, explore, and learn more about ‘Manufacturing with Rosie’, and Australia’s manufacturing industry visit –

‘Engineering with Rosie’ can be accessed via Dr Barnes YouTube channel at

To join AMGC’s leading network of Australian manufacturers visit –

To learn more about the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre –

Manufacturing with Rosie video