AMGC response to Covid-19
On behalf of AMGC’s Board and Management Team, we have decided to take the following steps to ensure business continuity and to protect the wellbeing of our team, industry members and partners.
AMGC has postponed all networking events that are scheduled across Australia and currently advertised on our website. For those many who have registered, thank you, we have kept your details and will notify you of new dates and venues once it is safe to host large gatherings. Content from our events can be found at our Manufacturing Academy, a free training platform, click here to learn more:
AMGC staff will work remotely yet conduct business as usual through the use of virtual teleconference facilities among other online means, and all business travel has been cancelled. However, the team remains available and can be reached through our details found here:
In the meantime, we will continue to provide new ways to connect and share information on the health of our industry and support measures. For example, The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources has issued a Request for Information on the manufacturing of PPE, more information can be found here:
Thank you,
Dr Jens Goennemann
Managing Director
Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre Ltd
For information on Covid-19
World Health Organisation:
Australian Government Department of Health: