A message from Jens Goennemann
The Northern Territory Government is set to accelerate innovation opportunities for advanced manufacturers, creating demand for jobs and transforming the local economy.
As announced by Chief Minister, Michael Gunner, the NT government will partner with AMGC and invest $8.75 million over five years to fast-track manufacturing projects, generate jobs and raise millions of dollars through matching co-investments.
Under the partnership, we will appoint a permanent AMGC Territory Director, based in Darwin, and establish a co-funded grant program to work with local manufacturers to become more globally competitive.
Top End is Top of the Class
This partnership is the first that we have entered into with a local Government. The Northern Territory Government gets the innate potential of manufacturing to redefine and re-build its local economy in a post-COVID world. It understands that if Australia wants to transition from a lucky country to a smart country, then manufacturing is the way.
While the Northern Territory, as Australia in general, has an abundance of natural resources, too often these resources are approached with the ‘dig and ship’ mentality – that has been the dominating success factor for our luck. To add value to these resources, manufacturing is the answer. In partnering with us, the Northern Territory Government will have access to our formula for success – local manufacturers applying our research findings, implementing them in their businesses, and making the transformation to greater competitiveness.
Opportunities Aligned with Natural Advantages
The opportunities in the Top End are immense. They line up with the National Manufacturing Priorities as defined in the Australian Government’s Modern Manufacturing Strategy. The Priorities of Critical Minerals Processing, Food and Beverage, Recycling and Clean Energy, and Space align particularly well with the Territory’s natural advantages.
After all, the Top End is a gateway to significant global markets to its north. While I enjoyed a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Laksa at the Parap Market, I was reminded by the locals that I am much closer to Indonesia than to Sydney. The Territory is home to strong solar resources, world-scale gas resources, and critical mineral deposits, as well as a host of clever businesses and talent.
AMGC’s partnership with the Northern Territory Government will enable us to establish a project fund focussed on the government’s local ambitions, and work with local companies to develop and embrace all these opportunities. We’re eager to work with the local NT Government to build a modern, resilient local manufacturing ecosystem.
I wonder which local government is the next cab of the rank. After all it is AMGC together with you – the network of over 3,000 highly ambitions manufacturers – who jointly come to the party.