A message from Jens Goennemann

It’s a big week for us at AMGC and for manufacturers based in Western Australia (WA).

It was just in late May when we signed a collaborative agreement with our partners from the Western Australian Government to co-design and deliver a program to seize the State’s opportunities in wind energy manufacturing.

On Tuesday, we launched the resulting Wind Energy Manufacturing Co-Investment Program. It will boost the capacity and capability of the State’s manufacturers and service providers enabling them to play a meaningful part in the wind energy industry.

It will see highly transferable skills from defence, resources, and elsewhere being applied to a fast-growing renewable industry and for the future of WA.

Eligible manufacturers can access two funding streams under the program. (Figures below are indicative and co-investments can support up to 50 per cent of project costs).

The Market Entry stream offers co-funding between $10,000 and $30,000 assisting pre-qualification and accreditation processes, niche software, process improvement and alike.

The Market Growth stream offers co-funding between $250,000 and $500,000, assisting plant and equipment enhancement, as well as R&D projects generating a competitive advantage.

The $8 million Wind Energy Manufacturing Co-Investment Program has been stood up efficiently and endeavours to work at pace for the rest of its lifespan.

There are areas in the wind energy industry where it may not make sense for Australian companies to play immediately – just consider the news last week that Australia’s only wind tower manufacturer will soon mothball its operations.

Other areas look more promising for the immediate future. As has been the case since AMGC’s beginnings, we follow the evidence and determine where the most impact can be created with the finite funds on offer.

Our research has led to focus areas including wind tower foundations, anchor cages, and nacelle components. As a result, the focus of this co-funding opportunity will be on intermediate goods in wind energy manufacturing. We believe this to be a solid choice as it has been the case elsewhere in the Australian manufacturing ecosystem.

For more information on what the program will support, as well as  materials to maximise your application, please head to our new Project page which just went live this week.

Lastly, there’s a good chance that if you’re reading this, then you’re an AMGC member. If you’re not, why not? Please be encouraged to fix this by using the following link. It only takes a moment for you to get on board and be a part of the change of Australian manufacturing for good.

Project page: https://www.amgc.org.au/wind-energy-program/
Join here: https://www.amgc.org.au/membership/