Our Projects

Diverseco Darwin Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Hub

Project description and overview:

Diverseco seek to establish an ‘Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Hub’ in the Nothern Territory (NT) which ultimately is a multi facetted facility that offers like minded business the ability to co-locate in one dedicated location. Tenants of the hub have the ability to set up show rooms for plant and equipment, access and experience new advanced manufacturing technologies in action, collaborate with ease, and seek local advice on advanced manufacturing technologies available.

The objective of the hub is to become a space for “ideas to grow”, for up skilling on new Advanced Manufacturing (AM) technologies, and for manufacturing firms to connect with businesses whose focus is to provide leading edge technical knowledge, expertise and innovation. It will include the entire chain of manufacturing activities from research through to design, development, distribution, implementation, operations and maintenance.

Diverseco seek to achieve this by providing the infrastructure to enable and encourage heightened collaboration and innovation, foster strong trust-based networks to capture opportunities for knowledge sharing and collaborative partnerships. Diverseco will also work closely with Charles Darwin University (CDU) to develop four new robotic and automation micro credential qualifications tailored to the region and boost local skills and knowledge in advanced processes and machinery for the industry.

This project will contribute to growing the manufacturing ecosystem in the NT by investing in the NT through establishing a footprint, creating local jobs and using their advanced skills and capability to commercialise new products and processes. This includes collaborating with local business to transition a new product or process from prototype through to full commercial operation.


  • Increased collaboration with other manufacturers
  • Increased spending on R&D
  • Increased number of staff with science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) skills
  • Better qualified employees
  • Increased levels of automation
  • Greater capital intensity
  • Newer equipment
  • Greater share of services in total revenue
  • Higher trade intensity
  • More extensive backward links


  • Diverseco​ forecast $10M in revenue over 5 years


  • This project is projected to create an additional 7 jobs during this project and  a total 15 jobs over 5 years

Government Funds: $450,000 | Industry: $450,000 | In-kind: $3,950,000

Project Collaborators