Our Projects
Manufacture of Loupe Mark II

Project description and overview:
Near surface conductivity measurement systems are used predominantly in the mining industry to locate mineral deposits and Loupe Geophysics have successfully marketed and created Loupe Mark 1 device for this application.
In this project Loupe Geophysics will develop a new Loupe Mark II by redesigning the receiver electronics to remove the need for a cable link between transmitter and receiver and eliminate receiver electronic noise. This will allow multiple receivers to be used with a single transmitter in motion and/or a stationary transmitter with roving receiver, which will significantly increase productivity and ground coverage, thus opening access to drone mounted receiver systems and underground use in ‘dark mines’.
The development and redesign of Loupe Mark II will include:
- WiFi-enablement
- Multiple receivers
- Multi-frequency
- Capability for drone mounted
- Dynamic not stationary operation
- Low frequency high fidelity spatial resolution
The development of Loupe Mark II will remove the need for a cable link between transmitter and receiver and eliminate receiver electronic noise, which increases productivity by allowing multiple receivers to be used.

- Increased spending on R&D
- Increased information and communications technology (ICT) intensity
- Increased number of staff with science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM) skills
- Better energy efficiency
- Newer equipment
- Greater capital intensity
- Larger geographical reach

Loupe Geophysics estimated revenue:
- 2022 $640,000
- 2023 $1.6M
- 2024 $3.2M
- 2025 $7M
- 2026 $14M

This project is projected to create additional employment as follows:
- Seven Technicians
- One Admin Officer
Government Funds: $408,745 | Industry: $408,745 | In-Kind: $180,000