Our Projects
Omni Road Tanker
Project description and overview:
Omni Tanker has identified a need for road-tankers with improved chemical resistance in the USA. Currently the demand for road tankers in USA is being serviced by road tankers referred to as fibre reinforced (FRP) tankers. FRP tankers contain an internal lining, which is comparable to the linings used in traditional Australian road tankers.
The objective of this project is to design and produce a prototype road-tanker, then undertake a field-trial in the US that enables Omni Tanker to validate and commercialise its technology in the US market. This project will re-design the Omni Tanker product to satisfy US regulations, and establish US supply chain partners for final assembly of the road-tanker in market. On completion of this project Omni Tanker will have validated the prototype in an operational environment and demonstrated low rate production.
The patented Omni Tanker vessels offer the following advantages over traditional tankers:
- Extended road tanker life
- Significantly reduced maintenance costs and downtime due to eliminating the need for vessel relining, which is a requirement for stainless steel vessels
- Light weight resulting in payload uplift via significant fuel savings over the life of the vehicle
This project will develop the manufacturing tools, processes, supply chain partners and certification required to commercialise its patented technology in the US market. On completion of this project, Omni Tanker will have the capability in place to begin full rate production for the US market.
- Larger patent portfolio
- Smarter inventory management by allowing two-way loading of different class 8 chemicals
- Better fuel efficiency by light weighting the vehicle
- Larger geographical reach through new revenue export
- Omni Tanker’s US variant will be a usable and viable option for Australian transport operators of highly corrosive liquids
- Omni Tanker’s patented technology can be transferred into other products and adjacent industries
- Omni Tanker is uniquely positioned to commercialise their patented technology into the $230M p.a. US chemical tanker market
- This project will enable Omni Tanker to transform its business into a global concern and therefore increase Australian employment
Government Funds: $250,000 | Industry: $365,000 | In-Kind: $225,000