Our Projects
Water Purification Unit

Project description and overview:
Water Source has the goal to commercialise an Internet of Things (IoT) portable water purification unit that does not require consumables, such as chlorine or replacement filters, throughout its +10-year operating lifespan.
Maintenance and servicing of water purification units in remote communities is challenging and expensive. The Water Source solution will address these issues through collaborative research with Monash University, and product development with Bosch Engineering. The final product will provide a reliable potable water supply for domestic and small scale commercial situations in remote communities, developing nations, defence and other challenging environments.
The unit will be remotely monitored and controlled through an IoT cloud-based platform with inbuilt Artificial Intelligence software. The combination of these features establishes a valuable position in the global water purification market.
Water Source have developed a diverse business model. One of the aspects of the water purification unit is to provide remote indigenous communities not only with potable water, but with a bottling plant incorporated in the unit that will provide a source of income into the community.

- Increased ICT intensity by remotely monitoring and controlling the unit via a cloud-based, IoT‑connected platform
- Advanced knowledge development through increased research collaboration with Monash University and product development with Bosch Engineering
- A complex new product that provides potable water for domestic and small-scale commercial situations, and does not require consumables
- Increased trade intensity and access to geographically diverse export markets, including remote communities, developing nations and other challenging environments

- $20 million (medium term)
- $100 million (long term)

- 15 high-skilled jobs (medium term)
- 150 high-skilled jobs (long term)
Government Funds: $250,000 | Industry: $506,150