Breaking down barriers to build resilience
In 2019, Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC) will focus on breaking down the barriers within the Australian manufacturing industry to build resilience.
Key to this will be a series of grassroots AMGC member events, designed to bring together people, organisations and businesses operating within the Australian manufacturing industry who may not otherwise collaborate. These events will be held across regional and rural areas, as well as in major capital cities.
Our member events will bring together local manufacturers, university professors and academic researchers to share their skills, knowledge and experience. AMGC members will have the opportunity to hear from keynote speakers from organisations such as the Industry Capability Network and CSIRO. Members will discover the latest opportunities in advanced manufacturing, funding opportunities, and government grants.
Continuing the Conversation
According to Michael Sharpe (AMGC’s State Director of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory), “AMGC’s program of member events for 2019 is all about bringing people together to break down barriers. Oftentimes, university academics and industry professionals speak different languages. But, when you put people together in the same room—to have a proper, in-depth, face-to-face conversation—it really is amazing what can be accomplished.”
“We have some of the greatest minds in the world working in Australia’s universities. Facilitating events that get the university professors out on the factory floor to see what’s going on in industry is just as useful for the academics and their research, as it is for the AMGC members involved.”
“With manufacturers and universities sharing and collaborating on the practical implementation of cutting-edge research on the factory floor, we are already seeing hugely positive results,” said Sharpe.
“We’ve held three events in Dubbo over the last 12 months. As a result of these events, several AMGC members have travelled to universities in Sydney to continue the conversation around building technically superior products, collaborating on innovative services, and developing an ongoing partnership.”
“No one knows your business like yourself, but to share knowledge can be a powerful thing,” said Sharpe.
Further Information
For further information about upcoming AMGC member events, contact your local state manager:
- New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory: Michael Sharpe
- Queensland and the Northern Territory: Mark Peters
- South Australia: Michael Haddy
- Victoria and Tasmania: Michael Grogan
- Western Australia: Angela Doyle